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Jason Isaacs Thanks MCU Fans For Dream-Casting Him As An Iconic X-Men Character*

When fan-casting Marvel"s X-Men, there are some actors who are widely thought of for certain roles. For example, Daniel Radcliffe has long been a top choice to play Logan/James Howlett/Wolverine. However, one enduring actor-character match is Jason Isaacs as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto. Isaacs has a long history of playing complex villainous characters in projects such as The Patriot, the Harry Potter franchise, Peter Pan, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and more. Moreover, the actor shares a Jewish background with Magneto, which is a core element of his story and contributes significantly to his motivations.
Recently, he acknowledged the popular fan cast for the first time. In an episode of Vanity Fair Game Show alongside his The White Lotus costars, Isaacs was tasked with seeing how well they knew him by guessing his answers to questions provided by the producers. He prompted the others with "online there is a fan campaign to cast me as a certain X-Men character. It"s been going on forever because they think I should be it," leading the majority to excitedly answer Magneto. In response, Isaacs stated: "Thanks very much, fans. Many of you, whoever you are."
What Jason Isaacs' Magneto Comments Mean Close Unfortunately, Isaacs did not directly state any interest in playing Magneto. Alternatively, his thanking fans could be taken as a willingness to join the MCU. After all, most actors would leap at the opportunity to join a lucrative franchise with a passionate fanbase. In fact, Isaacs has experience with such properties, having played the iconic Lucius Malfoy starting with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in 2002 and concluding with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 2011. As such, he may be open to joining the MCU.
Related Harry Potter Star Imagined As Magneto In Epic MCU Fanart Harry Potter"s Lucius Malfoy actor Jason Isaacs is imagined as the iconic mutant Magneto in an epic new Marvel Cinematic Universe fan art piece.
Posts The fan campaign was born out of appreciation for Isaacs" many antagonistic roles. Lucius was arrogant and conveyed power in his early Harry Potter appearances, before his facade cracked and showed his inner vulnerabilities. His Captain Hook in Peter Pan was equally captivating and terrifying, yet through that, Isaacs portrayed him as deeply insecure. Avatar"s Admiral Zhao was unapologetically self-serving and arrogant, but he had deep-seated anger issues. Isaacs" ability to portray nuance convinced X-Men fans that he has the acting chops to pull off a morally complex character like Magneto, who has powerful, understandable convictions.
Our Take On Jason Isaacs' Magneto Comments Should Isaacs be interested in playing Magneto, he would be a great choice of antagonist for Marvel"s X-Men. However, there are no formal announcements regarding casting the MCU versions of the mutants, and Deadpool & Wolverine set the precedent for actors from the Fox-era X-Men films to return.
As such, it may well be a while before the new Magneto is revealed, or the studio may opt to instead cast a former Magneto, such as Michael Fassbender. Additionally, it has been speculated that Marvel may make a nontraditional casting decision for the character by changing his background as a Holocaust survivor, though this would prove controversial. Regardless, Isaacs" style of acting would make him an asset if he"s cast in Marvel"s X-Men.
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