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10 Things I Need From Grant Gustin’s The Flash Return If It Happens After His Latest DC Comments*

Grant Gustin could come back as The Flash in the future after some encouraging comments and a few elements would ensure that his possible DC return is as great as it should be. Gustin has become the definitive version of Barry Allen outside the comics for many, me included. The actor did it all over nine seasons of The Flash, from hilarious moments with his impeccable comedic timing to deeply emotional scenes, Gustin"s specialty.
I was sad to see The Flash season 9 end the live-action DC TV show. That was only reinforced by the massive disaster Ezra Miller"s The Flash movie turned out to be, losing the studio millions. Recently, Gustin revealed he is open to playing the Flash again. On the Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum podcast, he said, "Yeah, of course," when asked if he could return to star in a The Flash sequel series. If that were to happen, the DC project would need the following:
10 The Original Team Flash Has To Come Back Barry Allen Thrived With His Friends By His Side I understand that many of those who watched The CW"s Flash series grew bored with the team aspect of it as seasons went by. I also share that sentiment, but the show was never as great as it was in that first batch of seasons. The chemistry the original Team Flash had was electrifying, and their friendship helped build the show into such a major success that it would go on for several years.

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