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10 Best Batman Gadgets In The Dark Knight Trilogy*

  • Prototype memory cloth is used to make the Dark Knight's cape which enables Batman to glide, adding to his aesthetic as a bat-styled vigilante.
  • The grapple gun aids Batman in evading enemies and saving individuals throughout the trilogy.
  • Sonar lenses provide Batman with tactical awareness, aiding in tracking down villains like Heath Ledger's Joker.
Christian Bale's Batman uses several impressive gadgets in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. Using his vast fortune and resources courtesy of Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne wields groundbreaking technology to aid in his crusade against Gotham's corrupt as The Dark Knight. This includes access to proprietary tools and equipment, giving the Caped Crusader a key advantage to become whatever Gotham needs him to be.
In The Dark Knight trilogy, the majority of Bruce Wayne's arsenal comes straight from Wayne Enterprises' decommissioned Applied Sciences Division, which held various forgotten technologies and research projects. The division was run by Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), who essentially became Bruce Wayne's unofficial armorer in his Crusade as Batman. To that end, here are 10 of the best gadgets used by Christian Bale's Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy.

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